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Member Advocacy Program

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What is the MAP?
The Member Advocacy Program (the MAP) is an opt-in program for IDSA and HIVMA members to stay up to date on federal policies and stay involved in advocacy initiatives.

Who is the MAP for?
The MAP is for any IDSA or HIVMA member who is interested in advocacy, whether you have experience or not.

MAP members have a wide range of experience in advocacy. Some of these members are seasoned advocates, while others may have participated in a few action alerts. Even if you have never contacted your Members of Congress, the MAP is a great place to start.

What are the benefits of joining the MAP?
MAP Members get access to the following benefits:

  • A monthly Advocacy Bulletin delivered right to your inbox. The Bulletin highlights important policy news and advocacy initiatives you can take part in.
  • Invitations to events and webinars to help you hone your advocacy skills.
  • Opportunities to share your story with members of Congress as well as in IDSA and HIVMA media publications.


As ID and HIV experts, your Members of Congress need to hear from you about the role that federal programs, policies, and funding play in supporting local and state efforts to monitor, prevent and treat infectious diseases, and in conducting the research necessary to improve the U.S. and global response to infectious diseases.

Your advocacy makes a difference. Medical providers, researchers, and public health professionals are a trusted source for information. You have a unique frontline perspective to share with policymakers regarding how federal programs and policies benefit your patients, institution, community and state. IDSA and HIVMA compiled this guide to assist members in communicating with Congressional members.

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