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Ebola Resources

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Ebola Facts

Learn more about Ebola, its history, and risk to the U.S. 

Ebola in the DRC: One Year Later

The World Health Organization’s declaration that the ongoing spread of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern followed confirmation of the virus in a patient in Goma, a city of two million people close to the Rwanda border. The outbreak had eluded control for nearly a year, with responses challenged by armed conflict and political instability.

The outbreak in North Kivu is the 10th outbreak of the virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo since the disease was identified. The Zaire species of Ebola virus was discovered in 1976 in Yambuku, DRC -- what was then Zaire. That year also, the Sudan species of Ebola virus was discovered across the Zaire border in southern Sudan.

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