HIVMA Chair Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, Response to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2022 to 2025

On this World AIDS Day, HIVMA welcomes the release of the Biden-Harris Administration’s 2022 National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which will provide an important road map for ending HIV as an epidemic in the United States.

Statement On Omicron Variant

Discovery of the omicron variant in more than 14 countries to date is the latest evidence that the global COVID-19 pandemic is far from over.

Fourteen Institutions Receive the IDSA Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence Designation

The 14 awarded institutions have created stewardship programs led by infectious diseases-trained physicians and pharmacists that advance science in antimicrobial resistance.

New Guidance for Treating Antimicrobial-Resistant Infections Released

New guidance from the IDSA for treating three of the most common drug-resistant pathogens was published today on the IDSA website.

IDSA Response to FDA and CDC Decision to Expand COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Eligibility

IDSA supports the FDA and CDC decision to expand eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine boosters to include everyone age 18 and older.

IDSA and HIVMA Support BIO Preparedness Workforce Act

IDSA and HIVMA applaud the bipartisan introduction of the Bolstering Infectious Outbreaks (BIO) Preparedness Workforce Act by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

IDSA Honors 199 Distinguished Clinicians, Scientists with FIDSA Designation

IDSA, the nation’s leading infectious diseases professional society, recognizes the distinguished clinicians and scientists from the United States and around the world who were elected this year to be Fellows of IDSA.

Statement on OSHA and CMS COVID Vaccine Mandates for Employers and Employees

IDSA supports COVID-19 vaccine mandates announced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for large private employers and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for employees at Medicare and Medicaid-participating health care facilities.

IDSA Creates New Committee to Focus on Inclusion, Diversity, Access and Equity

In recognition of the importance of inclusion, diversity, access and equity as long-term priorities and core values for IDSA, the Society’s Board of Directors recently approved the creation of a permanent IDA&E Committee.

New Review Article Outlines Potential of SARS-CoV-2 Genetic Sequencing in Patient Care

The rise of more transmissible variants of SARS-CoV-2 has spurred growing interest in harnessing information about the genetic sequences of these variants to help treat patients.

IDSA and PIDS Support Authorization of Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine

To date, 6 million children have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The more than 28 million children who will be eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19 with this authorization comprise a larger portion of the population than the already eligible 12-17-year-old cohort.

IDSA Response to CDC’s Recommendation for People Previously Infected with COVID-19 to get Vaccinated

The Infectious Diseases Society of America strongly supports the CDC’s recommendation that unvaccinated people previously infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 get vaccinated as soon as possible after they have fully recovered.